Millions deny treatment even before prognosis, just because they cannot afford it. According to WHO, 95% of people infected with HCV can be cured within 2-3 months with highly effective direct-acting antiviral (DAA) drugs. The cost of these medicines is unaffordable for underprivileged patients. However, Shifa Foundation realizes the importance of good health, therefore providing its patients top-tier services. Donate to this cause and help people continue their journey towards a better and healthy life.
Together we can be their hope and help these patients fighting the disease and poverty. Your Zakat, Sadaqat, and general donations can sponsor the treatment of patients with liver diseases and help save lives. Even the smallest of donations can achieve big results.
Bank Name: Al Baraka Bank
Account Title: Shifa Foundation – HAP
Account: 01101-55388-059
Bank Name: Faysal Bank
Account Title: Shifa Foundation
Account: 0169150900218363
Zakat Account
Account Title: Shifa Foundation
IBAN: PK93UMBL0051000062540066 Branch Code: 510 (Rawalpindi Branch)