Screening of PLW
Screening of Children
SAM enrolled
SAM cases referred to OTP
MAM Screened
MAM Cases enrolled
MAM Cases Cured
Follow up for MAM cases
MAM Children referred
Referral to NADRA, Health Checkup, Immunization, Birth Registration
Children consumed MNP
Children Dewormed to prevent Worm Infections
Provision of Multi-Micronutrient and/or Iron Folic Acid
Awareness Session on Iodized Salt
Awareness Sessions of IYCF
Awareness Sessions of Vitamin-A
Children Referred for Immunization
Mother Support Group
Father Support Group
Sensitization/Education of Mothers/Female Care providers and Fathers/Male Care Providers on key family care practice
Community Awareness Session
No. of RUFT Sachets Distributed
No. of MMS distributed
Training and capacity building activities
Received Primary Health Care and MNCH
Children treated for ARI/Pneumonia/Diarrhea/Malaria
PLW Received Antenatal Care Services
Distribution of CDKs to ensure safe and clear deliveries
NBKs Distribution for newborn care
Children vaccinated for RI
Health facility staff assisted in deliveries
General Food Distribution
Unconditional Cash Based Transfer
Conditional Cash Based Transfer
Agriculture Package
Capacity Building and orientation on livestock management and provision of fodder
Family Hygiene Kits Distributed
Semi Structure Flush Latrines Constructed
Medical Camps
Non-Food Items Packages
Women & Children Friendly Safe Places
Multi-Purpose Cash Grant
Pit Latrines Installed
Awareness Session MHPPS, Health, and Hygiene
Jerry Can
Temporary Shelter
Solar Lights
Aqua Tabs
Children and Women safe spaces
Formation of Child and Women facilitation group
Assistive devices
Effective referral mechanism
Global/International Days Celebration
Awareness Campaign
Recreational Kits Distributed
PSS Kits
Solar Lights
WASH Committees Established
Existing Handpumps Chlorination
Water Tanks Installation
Installation of Climate Resilient communal handpump
Repair/construction of raised platform restored
Bio-sand Nadi Filters Installed
Water Supply Schemes Rehabilitated
Emergency pit latrines installed
Restoration of existing latrines at household and communal level
Construction of new raised improved latrines on cost sharing basis
Construction of new latrines for people with disability
Awareness raising campaign
WASH Services in TLCs & Safe Spaces
WASH Facilities in Government School and Safe places
WASH Facilities in Health Care Centers restored
6 Stage Ultra Filtration Units Installed
Response/PSEA/Feedback mechanisms in communities established
Hygiene awareness sessions with children and teachers
Women Support Group
Awareness sessions on MHH, DRR, Climate Change, Climate Resilient WASH Facilities, GBV, PSEA
Hygiene Kits distribution
Distribution of bathing soaps in community and schools
Family Dignity Kits
Jerry Cans Distribution
Aqua Tabs Distribution
Water Bladders
Hand Washing Stations Installed
Fabricated Toiled Installed
Pit Latrines Installed in TLCs and IDP Camps
Water Purification Sachets
MHM kits Distribution
Waste Bins
Full Food Package Distributed
Food Items Distributed
Shelters/Sheets Distributed
Non-Food Items Distributed
Beneficiaries accessed mental health and psychosocial support
Safe Places Established
People Accessed Safe Places
Recreational Kits Distributed
PSS Kits Distributed
People reached with MHPSS Information direct/face to face
People reached with information on MHPSS digital+ IEC material
People Received Psychological First Aid
Individuals received psychosocial support/counselling
Individuals participated in group-based psycho-social activities
Women & children accessed GBV risk mitigation response
Women and children accessed GBV risk prevention services
Women and children accessing GBV response services
People reached through awareness activities and UNICEF supported community engagement
Frontline Child Protection workers trained
Social Service workforce trained on CP and PSS
Calls received at 1121 helpline
Food Ration bags
Safe Delivery Kits
Personal Hygiene kits for adolescent girls
Kangroo Method Care
Awareness sessions and campaigns
MMS enrolled
Safe Delivery Kits
Personal Hygiene kits
Medical Camp
Registered beneficiaries
Specialized Nutrition Foods
Beneficiaries Follow up
Beneficiaries of TSFP
Beneficiaries discharged
Specialized Nutritious Food
Support Provided through BSFP
Vitamin A Supplementation Training Workshop
COVID-19 Awareness Session
Reach on social media
IEC material distributed
Consultative workshop
Food packaged distributed
Clear drinking water handpumps
Engaged with major donors
Patients treated
Breast Cancer Awareness
Disaster Relief Funding
Total Posts: 2467
Food Packages Distributed
Bank Name: Al Baraka Bank
Account Title: Shifa Foundation – HAP
Account: 01101-55388-059
Bank Name: Faysal Bank
Account Title: Shifa Foundation
Account: 0169150900218363
Zakat Account
Account Title: Shifa Foundation
IBAN: PK93UMBL0051000062540066 Branch Code: 510 (Rawalpindi Branch)