Health Emergency Response in UCs of Jamshoro

The 2022 monsoon floods in Pakistan severely impacted infrastructure, livelihoods, and access to basic services, particularly health and nutrition. The floods disrupted healthcare systems, damaging 13% of health facilities and hindering service delivery. Outbreaks of water- and vector-borne diseases, respiratory illnesses, and skin conditions have further strained the healthcare system. Vulnerable groups, including women, children, and adolescents, have been disproportionately affected, facing increased risks of malnutrition, illness, and inadequate postnatal care. In the Jamshoro District of Sindh, where Sehwan Taluka was heavily impacted, the situation is dire, with significant damage to health facilities and displacement of populations. Most primary health facilities are managed by PPHI, with UNICEF having supported the operationalization of four health facilities during the 2022 flood emergency. There is an urgent need for continued support to ensure the provision of critical primary healthcare services, especially for mothers, newborns, and children.


Key Points to be Covered:

  • Promote understanding of maternal, infant, and child health and nutrition, and the importance of nutritious foods.
  • Deliver specialized nutritional and primary healthcare support to mothers, children, and newborns.
  • Provide mobile health units and essential medical supplies to ensure quality health services.
  • Conduct capacity building of healthcare workers with a focus on Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (MNCH).
  • Implement Social Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC) initiatives to engage communities and promote preventive health services.
  • Strengthen coordination and technical assistance at the UC, district, and provincial levels for effective health response.


  • Establish and operate six mobile health units to provide essential healthcare services in affected areas.
  • Provide essential medical supplies and basic PHC and MNCH equipment for mobile health units and health facilities.
  • Train health workers for the continuation of primary healthcare services, including BEmONC and immunization.
  • Develop and implement SBCC strategies, engaging LHWs and their supervisors to raise awareness and promote health services.
  • Strengthen coordination mechanisms at various levels for effective service delivery.
  • Generate regular progress reports and data management aligned with UNICEF and WFP systems.
  • Monitor and supervise healthcare service delivery, ensuring proper support and feedback mechanisms for beneficiaries.

Donors: UNICEF

Focus: Health & Nutrition
Area: Jamshoro District, Sindh (Union Councils in Kotri, Sehwan, Thana Bulla Khan, and Manjhand)

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Bank Name: Al Baraka Bank
Account Title: Shifa Foundation – HAP
Account: 01101-55388-059

Bank Name: Faysal Bank
Account Title: Shifa Foundation
Account: 0169150900218363

Zakat Account
Account Title: Shifa Foundation
IBAN: PK93UMBL0051000062540066 Branch Code: 510 (Rawalpindi Branch)