Medical practitioners from across globe are agreed that people with weak immune system are more likely to get infected with Coronavirus (Covid 19). Below is the list of eight foods easily available in Pakistan that help boost the immune system.

1. Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C is the most common and vital ingredient to build up the immune system. Medical science has plenty of reasons to believe that it helps increase the production of White Blood Cells (WBCs). WBCs are key to fight infections.

Popular citrus fruits available in Pakistan are:

  • Orange (مالٹا، مسمی)
  • Grapefruit (چکوترہ)
  • Lemon (لیموں)

2. Garlic (لہسن)

Fortunately, garlic is the most common ingredient in Pakistani cuisine. Garlic holds the heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds like allicin. These sulfur containing compounds boost the immune system and help prevent the infections.

3. Ginger (ادرک)

Ginger is also a common ingredient in Pakistani cuisine. It helps reduce the sore throat as it decreases the inflammation. Apart from cooked meals, ginger can also be taken in tea.

4. Spinach (پالک کا ساگ)

Being rich in Vitamin C and numerous antioxidants and beta carotene, Spinach increases the infection-fighting ability of the immune systems.

5. Yogurt (دہی)

Be it breakfast, lunch or supper, yogurt is the most common complimentary item of Pakistani’s diet. Every market in the country has a designated shop that provide yogurt at affordable price. Moreover, people can prepare it at home in a very easy way. It is a great source of vitamin D which helps regulate the immune system and is thought to boost our body’s natural defenses against diseases.

6. Almonds (بادام)

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E which is key to a healthy immune system. Almonds, are packed with the vitamin and also have healthy fats. A handful of almonds every day, preferably in breakfast, provides nearly 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E.

7. Turmeric (ہلدی)

It is another vital ingredient for Pakistani curries. It is used by non-traditional medicine practitioners as an anti-inflammatory for ages. Researches show the high concentrations of curcumin, which gives turmeric quality of decreasing muscle damage.

8. Green Tea (سبز کہوہ)

According to findings the green tea really excels in epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. These both are very powerful antioxidants and boost immune functions. It also contains amino acid L-theanine which is believed to aid the production of germ-fighting compounds.

TAGS: How to Fight Corona, Coronavirus, Covid 19, Immune System, How to Boost Immune System, Natural Diet, Essential Vitamins, Best Remedy, How to Cure Coronavirus, How to cure Covid 19, Lockdown, Fruits, Natural Cure of Coronavirus, Natural Cure of Covid 19

Hissan Gul is working as the Assistant Manager Digital Media and Communications at Shifa Foundation. He has a a decade long experience in producing textual and video content. He aspires to work for Communication for Development (C4D) and Information Education and Communication (IEC).

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