Shifa Foundation is a not-for-profit organization working for the alleviation of human suffering in different regions of Pakistan. We have been awarded accreditation & certification from the Pakistan Centre of Philanthropy for compliance with desired applicable requirements and meeting of certification standards in the areas of Internal Governance, Financial Management & Program Delivery above the 90th percentile. Shifa Foundation provides free medical services to people who cannot afford it. The organization is a sister concern of Shifa International Hospitals and enjoys well-trained staff and senior doctors providing healthcare facilities to underprivileged communities. Moreover, in 2017 Shifa Foundation successfully initiated a project for the treatment of cancer patients and to date has provided treatment and assistance to over 65 patients with estimated spending of over 25 million through our generous donors.
World cancer day is an international day to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention. The primary goal of World Cancer Day is to reduce illness and deaths caused by cancer. It targets misinformation, reduces stigma, and raises awareness. Multiple initiatives are run on this day to show support for those affected by cancer.
The theme for the years 2022-2024 is “Close the gap” which focuses on eliminating the differences in access to cancer care services faced by populations of various groups of country income, age, gender, ethnicity, etc.
Pakistan has a population of 231 million. It has become increasingly difficult for the limited number of doctors and health facilities to cater to the needs of patients. According to the Planning and Development Division, at present, there are only 220,829 registered doctors in the country.
Moreover, the high costs of medical care and unavailability of health facilities in far-flung areas leave many patients untreated and their diseases undiagnosed. People avoid going to hospitals for treatment and medical checkups due to poverty and lack of resources resulting in deaths from preventable diseases.
As per primary data from Globocan 2020, the most common cancer found among the patients were:
- Breast Cancer 25,928 (14.5%)
- Lip / Oral cavity 16,959 (9.5%)
- Lung 10,538 (5.9%)
- Esophagus 10,117 (5.7%)
- Colorectum 8,602 (4.8%)
- Other Cancers 106,244 (59.6%)
Total number of deaths accounted for in the year 2020 was 117,149. Around 178,388 cases of cancer were diagnosed in 2020 out of which 88,015 were male and 90,373 were female. The number of deaths from various cancers particularly from lung cancer in males and breast cancer among females is constantly on the rise in the country. Apart from many other factors, the lack of awareness among the general public about various aspects of the problem is a leading cause of the lack of early diagnosis and treatment.
World Cancer Day is organized annually by Shifa Foundation to raise awareness and encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment among the general public. Shifa Foundation along with Shifa International Hospital and SMU organized this year’s event. The sponsors of this event were Salman Foods, LDS/GMS, Primo, ISugar, and FIND. The event started off by doing an awareness march from SIH gate 10 to SMU. That march included CDA’s president as chief guest, Shifa’s officials, sponsors as guests of honor, doctors, the general public, and volunteers. Every other person was holding a playing card with different slogans for cancer awareness. At the SMU hall, a seminar was organized and an awareness session was given. IEC materials regarding cancer awareness were placed in the hall. The COPCS team of the Shifa Foundation along with some dedicated volunteers managed the whole event.
The seminar at SMU hall started with a recitation of the Holy Quran, which led to Dr. Khadeeja giving a speech regarding cancer awareness. Then Dr. Asif gave us an awareness session about different types of cancer and their prevention. A team of oncologists and cancer specialists which included Dr. Yasir, Dr. Farrukh, Dr. Ayaz, and Dr. Shayan gave in-depth knowledge about cancer, prevention techniques, the importance of early detection, etc.
Cancer survivors were also invited to the event. They shared their inspirational journey with the audience and also encouraged everyone to get themselves aware of cancer. Volunteers recorded messages for cancer awareness, talking about different cancers and how can one prevent them.
Mr. Taimoor Shah who is a member of the Board of Governors also came and acknowledged the efforts of the Shifa Foundation for organizing a cancer awareness event. He also encouraged everyone to be aware of such issues and to have more events like these in the future to decrease the increasing number of cancers.
At the end of the event, Dr. Khadija distributed acknowledgment shields among the guests of honor and appreciated their involvement in the fundraising event. Everyone was also given food boxes as a good gesture. Media was called to cover the whole event. With that, the memorable day came to an end and everyone returned back home being well-informed and aware of the cancer.
I think that it was an amazing and informative event. Such events should be held more often so that awareness is raised among the general public, and we can easily prevent the increasing number of cancers.

Kashmir Day is observed on 5th Feb every year to portray solidarity with the Kashmiri people. Many freedom fighters have lost their loved ones in the struggle for a separate identity on the world’s man and Pakistan supports Kashmir in its primary right to self-determination.
Along with celebrating World Cancer Day, Shifa Foundation thought about showing their solidarity with the Kashmiris by making it part of the march to hold posters and play cards with solidarity slogans. This was also covered by the media. Students of SMU also shared their solidarity messages with the media, showing their care and support.
Shifa Foundation stands with Kashmir and is strongly against the brutality the Kashmiris go through on daily basis. No matter what the political situation might be, every nation has the right to be independent. We honor this day to show the people of Kashmir that we care about them.

In conclusion, World Cancer Day is an important day that is observed on the 4th of Feb every year. Awareness should be spread regarding cancer so that we can prevent its increasing number and support a healthy lifestyle. Close the care gap is a good initiative which means equal access for everyone for cancer care because every life is important.
The fundraising event organized by Shifa Foundation on World Cancer Day was executed greatly. Awareness sessions were given by top oncologists and cancer specialists of Shifa International Hospital. Funds were raised for underprivileged cancer patients. Shifa Foundation was acknowledged by the board of governors of SIH, chief guests, and guests of honor for their sincere efforts.
Solidarity with Kashmir was also shown by the team of the Shifa Foundation. Everyone shared their views regarding the brutality our brothers and sisters have to face on a daily basis and how we condemn all of that strength.